The year of 2017 was a time where a strong link was made between WYRED and Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLP). Building on the support of LLLP, YEU got the chance to update members of the Platform on the project and ongoing processes.
On the occasion of the LLLP Working Group (WG) on Digital Learning, Panagiotis Chatzimichail presented an overview, learned lessons and the timeline of WYRED. Members of the WG had a chance to learn more about the project and ask questions on each part of WYRED (Delphi, Social Dialogues etc). As shared by members of the group, WYRED is seen as an opportunity to further engage and empower young people and children that are part of their structure or local communities.
Being very thankful to LLLP, we look forward to further engage members of the WG and other LLLP members working with and for Young people and Children.